18010 Screen Filler. Lascaux, 500ml bottle

Stock Status: In Stock
Use Lascaux Screen Filler to form waterproof stencils. This product fills the mesh effectively and is easy to remove after printing. Can be used in combination with Lascaux Screen Painting Fluid

Aqueous dispersion of acrylic copolymer with pigment

In waterbased screenprinting a direct stencil can be formed by applying a thin layer of Lascaux Screen filler to open areas of mesh with a paint brush or a squeegee. The filler lies between the threads of the mesh and dries to become a waterproof stencil which closes the mesh, preventing the printing mix from passing through during rinting.

A variety of tools and methods can be used with this versatile Screen filler to make creative stencils. It has been specially designed as part of a water-based screenprinting system and works harmoniously with Lascaux Screenprinting paste and Lascaux paints.

Properties and Applications

This ready-to-use non-toxic water-soluble screen filler has excellent handling properties, dries quickly to form waterproof stencils, closes meshes effectively and is easy to remove from the mesh after printing. It can be used alone on open mesh, in combination with Lascaux Screen painting fluid, or to edit or stop out photostencils. Screen filler stencils are durable and able to withstand long print runs.


Screens should have a margin or defined open area and the mesh should be clean, degreased and dry. Use a map to register painted marks or a soft watersoluble crayon to make guide marks on the mesh.

Different techniques are described below and the choice of method determines which side of the screen the filler should be applied to.

The Screen filler may be applied by brush or squeegee to meshes ranging from coarse to very fine. The tiny spaces between each thread are measured in microns and require very little filler to close them. Unnecessarily thick layers of filler take longer to dry, may cause technical difficulties such as bridging and will require greater quantities of stencil remover.

The margin area can be used as a palette for the filler. A sponge and soapy water can be used to remove any left-over filler.

Painting Techniques :

Stencils consisting of filler splashes and other raised marks should be made on the flat side of the screen to protect the squeegee blade from ridges of filler. Images can be created directly on the printing side of an open mesh by painting with a soft brush which will leave a smooth deposit. Sponges, embossed papers and other materials can also be used to offset the filler onto the mesh.

Large flat areas and borders should be filled using a small squeegee. Soft wash effects can be made on fine meshes by diluting the filler with water (50/50). Mistakes can be rectified using soapy water and a sponge to remove wet filler from the mesh.

Lascaux Screen filler used in conjunction with photostencils:

Photostencil images can be altered by stopping out open areas of mesh with Screen filler. The filler should be applied to the flat side (underside) of the screen.
A squeegee or soft paint brush (sable or equivalent) is necessary to lay down a flat even deposit.

Reversal method :

In order to reverse a photostencil image, Screen filler is squeegeed in a thin layer on the printing side of a clean, degreased, dry photostencil. The filler will close the open areas of mesh but should not lie thickly over the photostencil. When the filler is dry the photostencil is removed from the mesh. The photostencil must have been applied to the flat side of the screen and the photostencil remover will work more effectively when also applied to the flat side of the screen. As the dissolved photostencil is washed from the mesh, any filler bridging will also rinse away. The filler closing the former open areas will remain in the mesh creating a new stencil, which is a reversal of the photostencil image. In most cases a new Screen filler border will need to be established around the new filler stencil.

Lascaux Screen filler used in conjunction with Lascaux Screen painting fluid:

Lascaux Screen painting fluid can be used to create marks which will ultimately print. Refer to information on Lascaux Screen painting fluid for full information
about this type of reversal technique.

Removal :

The Screen filler can be cleaned from brushes, tools and the mesh with warm soapy water. The mesh should be rinsed thoroughly to ensure that all the filler has been removed. The dry filler stencils are removed from the screen in a wash-out unit. The Lascaux Remover or a household cleaner such as Mystrol should be applied to both sides of the mesh using a specialist screen cleaning brush. The screen should be left for ten minutes to allow the Lascaux Remover to weaken the filler. This weakening process is not visible until the action of the high pressure hose blasts the filler from the mesh.

However the screen should first be rinsed with a soft hose. When using Mystrol and although it is classified as safe to use in home, care should be taken and the cleaner should not be sprayed into a fine mist. Once the screen has been rinsed, a high pressure hose should be used on both sides of the mesh to remove the stencil. Thickly applied areas will require the process to be repeated until the mesh is clear of filler.

Mystrol is available from:
Evans Vanodine International PLC, Brierley Road, Walton Summit, Preston PR5 8AH, UK
Tel. +44 (0) 1772 322 200 / Fax: +44 (0) 1772 318 844 / www.evansvanodine.co.uk

Lascaux Water-Based Screenprinting

The water-based screenprinting method and the acrylic-resist etching system are the modern options – safer, healthier and more environmentally friendly, as well as quick to learn and accessible to all.

For an information sheet on Lascaux Water-based Screen Printing click here to download the PDF file.

  • Country of Origin:
  • SKU:
  • Make:
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  • Type:
  • Material:
    Screen Filler
  • Brand:
  • Product Code:
    CH 3213 9000 00
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